sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

covers of the week

This week's prize goes to 2 portuguese covers.

The first one has 3 different issues of corporate stamps and the second has last year's Europa stamps, dedicated to "letter". Simply amazing! 8)

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009

Blue week

Another great cover from Estonia. I specially like the special cancellation!

And another one from Slovenia. The stamps are wonderful!

domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

Pro Patria 2009

Past week has been one of my best weeks ever on Postcrossing with so many mail received from my loved Switzerland. Here's another great example, with the block stamp and label:

Literature FDC

This week I received this beautiful FDC from Belgium as a gift. And my birthday is one month away! 8)

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009

Card of the week - Sydney Opera House, Australia

A simple, small card and extremely beautiful for its colors! 8)

sábado, 2 de maio de 2009

Card of the week - awesome cow card from Netherlands

And the prize of the card of the week and of the month goes to...

...these fantastic cows! 8)

With inverted colors still looks good. :D

sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009

April's last covers

The Philatelic RR in Postcrossing Forum have been giving me much fun and awesome stamps and covers.

Amongst others, I choose these 2 to show today. They came from Estonia and Brazil and are both related to Nature/Animals (a theme I love) and both amazing. How is it possible NOT to love stamps after receiving letters like these?! ; )

And now a cover I received in the last days of March/first days of April. I just found it among others! It came from Hong Kong and was sent by bird lover Ed. : )
I love the combination of the grey shades cover with the colorful stamp.